At the “Digital Sport & Wellbeing Innovation event”, you can explore how to utilize the services offered by HealthHub Finland, including training, networking, funding, regulatory support, as well as testing and product development services.

During the event, you can book a time at HealthHub Finland’s Pop-Up Clinic, where in 30 minutes, the services best suited to your company or organization will be reviewed. Experts from the health ecosystems in Tampere, Turku, Oulu, Kuopio, and Kajaani will be present.

Book your time here! (link coming soon)


Digital Sport & Wellbeing Innovation -tapahtumassa voit tutustua miten voit hyödyntää HealthHub Finlandin tarjoamia palveluita kuten esim koulutus-, verkostoitumis-, rahoitus-, regulaation tuki- sekä testaus-ja tuotekehitys-palveluita.

Tapahtumassa voit varata ajan HealthHub Finlandin Pop-Up-klinikkaan, jossa 30 minuutissa käydään läpi juuri sinun yrityksellesi tai organisaatiollesi sopivat palvelut. Paikalla on asiantuntijoita terveysekosysteemeistä Tampereelta, Turusta, Oulusta, Kuopiosta ja Kajaanista.

Varaa aikasi tästä (linkki avautuu pian).


What is a HealthHub Finland EDIH Pop-up Clinic?

HealthHub Finland EDIH Pop-up Clinic is a consultation with HealthHub Finland experts. During this 30-minute session, our experts look closely at the customer’s needs to create a unique service package for the customer. The sessions are free of charge and aimed at SMEs and public sector organisations.