Contact us, we’re here to help you!
Are you developing a digital health or wellbeing solution? Do you want to improve your business and production processes, products or services using digital technologies? Contact us! Our services are free or subsidized for up to 80% of the market price.

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Webinar series: develop innovative health and wellbeing products
Terveysteknologiayritysten foorumi kevät 2025
The EDIH network serves businesses and the public sector across Europe
We EDIHs are intended to act as one-stop-shops where businesses can access services, expertise and other support for the implementation and use of digital solutions. We provide services to help businesses and the public sector become more capable of using new digital solutions in their business. Through these services, businesses will be better equipped to improve their competitiveness.
How does it work in practice
HealthHub Finland provides expert professionals for the development work and largely takes care of the necessary funding as well. All rights to the development work remain with the company. For the company, this is like buying expert services with so-called hard cash, but now, thanks to public support, the cost remains very low.
Kuopio Health
Kimmo Solehmainen
Development Manager