Our Services

Our one-stop-shop assists healthcare and wellness organizations in developing their digital products and services. We provide innovation and test-before-invest services, training, and financing advice. Free of charge or at a reduced cost.

DMA Tool

The Digital Maturity Assessment Tool (DMAT) is utilized across Europe by EDIHs to measure the current level of digitalization within an organisation (SME) and offers a structured roadmap for digital transformation and maturity.

HealthHub Finland Clinic

In these 30-minute sessions, our experts thoroughly assess the customer’s needs to develop a tailored service package. These complimentary sessions are designed for SMEs and public sector organizations.

Challenge Roadmap

Digital innovations are transforming healthcare, offering incredible benefits but also presenting challenges. Join us to explore the possibilities and assess the risks.

Success Stories

Explore the development projects that were carried out in cooperation with HealthHub Finland.


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Contact us, we’re here to help you!

Are you developing a digital health or wellbeing solution? Do you want to improve your business and production processes, products or services using digital technologies? Contact us! Our services are free or subsidized for up to 80% of the market price.

We EDIHs are intended to act as one-stop-shops where businesses can access services, expertise and other support for the implementation and use of digital solutions. We provide services to help businesses and the public sector become more capable of using new digital solutions in their business. Through these services, businesses will be better equipped to improve their competitiveness.