Services to improve your digital capabilities

Our one-stop-shop helps healthcare and wellbeing organisations to develop their digital products and services. We offer innovation and test-before-invest services, as well as training and financing advice to help organisations successfully improve their digital capabilities.

Are you developing a digital health or wellbeing solution? HealthHub Finland EDIH can help you in every step of your digital project. And in tempting terms. Our services are free or subsidized for up to 80 % of the market price.

Our four core services


We coordinate “test before you invest” services located throughout Finland, along with training and development services that support product development and innovation.

Health data

We enable access to health data and provide expertise to help SMEs comply with EU regulations and leverage business opportunities in the healthcare sector.


We assist companies in ensuring the feasibility of their concepts and connect them with potential investment and funding contacts.


We offer extensive contact networks and help companies find suitable partners both in Finland and across the EU.

Our service portfolio consists of almost 50 services.

Start your journey with us


Contact us or participate in a HealthHub Finland Clinic session and fill out a DMAT Form for a needs assessment.

Service packages

We create a tailored service package from our diverse service portfolio to match your specific needs.

Follow-up services

We support your yourney for up to three years, offering additional services as needed.


Experience accelerated growth, enhanced digital capabilities, EU-wide visibility, and access to global markets.

The Digital Maturity Assessment Tool (DMAT) is utilized across Europe by EDIHs to measure the current level of digitalization within an organisation and offers a structured roadmap for digital transformation and maturity.

Meet our experts at our clinic sessions throughout Finland, where we assess your needs and develop a tailored service package.

Learn what services we offer in Turku, Tampere, Kuopio, Kajaani and Oulu.