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OYSTER Health Hackathon


Join the OYSTER Hackathon, an event designed to bring together creative and curious minds from various fields, such as health, technology, business, design, and more. Time: 20 – 22 September 2024 Place: Kiviharjunlenkki 1B, Oulu Who can join: medical students, doctors, CS students and researchers, AI/ ML researchers, business people, young professionals Learn more and... Näytä artikkeli

Hyvinvointiteknologiamessut 2024

Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulun kampus Pori

HealthHub Finland osallistuu vuoden 2024 Hyvinvointiteknologiamessuille, jotka järjestetään 1.11.2024 Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulun Agora-salissa Porissa. Tapahtuman seminaarin teemana on "Teknologia osana sote-alan resurssipulan ratkaisua" ja se huipentuu paneelikeskusteluun klo 15:00 aiheesta "Teknologialla hyvinvointia ja kasvua". Paneelikeskustelussa mukana on HealthHub Finlandin projektikoordinaattori Henrik Honkanen. Tervetuloa tutustumaan uusimpiin innovaatioihin ja teknologiaratkaisuihin hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden edistämisessä! Tapahtumatiedot ja ilmoittautuminen

eHealth 2024

Tampere University Kalevantie 4, Tampere, Finland

The Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth together with Tampere University are organizing an international congress in November 2024 on the theme ’From Research to Impact on Digital Health and Welfare Services,’ where health care professionals, experts, researchers, and influencers in the field will meet. Learn more and register here!

HealthHub Finland EDIH Pop-up Clinic at eHealth 2024 in Tampere

Tampere University Kalevantie 4, Tampere, Finland

SAVE THE DATE! We are preparing a HealthHub Finland EDIH Pop-up Clinic at eHealth 2024 event in Tampere. More information to be published soon!   What is a HealthHub Finland EDIH Pop-up Clinic? HealthHub Finland EDIH Pop-up Clinic is a consultation with HealthHub Finland experts. During this 30-minute session, our experts look closely at the... Näytä artikkeli

BioFIT & MedFIT 2024


⭐ We're proud to be a BioFIT and MedFIT 2024 partner! Join us at the 8th edition of @MedFIT Event and the 13th edition of @BioFIT Event, in Lille on December 3rd & 4th, 2024 and on December 11th & 12th, 2024 for Digital Meetings! This year, BioFIT and MedFIT are organised together to offer... Näytä artikkeli